Here are some Hawks fans in Ferndale going to town on a 1985 Ford Bronco. Enjoy!
Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Build Up: Cute Dog Picks the Super Bowl Winner
Sticking with the tradition of showing cute animals picking the Super Bowl, here is Anastacia the Dog picking the winner by process of balloons on the Tonight Show.
Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Build Up: Ella The Psychic Guinea Pig Picks the Super Bowl
Here’s the latest, and possibly greatest video of a cute animal picking the outcome of the Super Bowl. Presenting Ella the Psychic Guinea Pig.
Again, another smart animal.
Stern Sendoff
This is going to be short for me. I have pieces to write about more important things.
I am not the outgoing NBA commissioner’s biggest fan. I have called him biased and questioned his podium presence. (Which, if you’re commissioner, are two things you should have in check: you shouldn’t be biased and you should have good podium presence.)
David Stern comes off as snide in public, and I think he showed favoritism in a job that begs for the polar opposite. What he did for the NBA during the “Dream Team” era was good. But I grew up with a very different National Basketball Association. I grew up with a basketball league where the commissioner comes off as a dictator-like Bond villain. Where the commissioner of the league runs a team and proceeds to veto a trade between two teams. Where that trade has conceivably affected the landscape of the league today.
A picture is worth a thousand words. In this case a video is worth a million.
Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Build Up: Fred the Psychic Bunny
Yes, you read correctly, a psychic bunny! His name is Fred and he has a tendency to correctly pick Super Bowls. Here’s his prediction for this year’s game.
Smart animal.
Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Build Up: Golden Tate’s Sock Opinion
It shouldn’t be a surprise that after boy bands and unicorns, Media Day turned itself to socks. Yes, these questions are real.