Seattle Seahawks: Rally Tickets and Overflow Seating

To a lot of folk’s dismay, the seating for the rally at the Clink for tomorrow’s festivities is full. However, overflow seating is available in Safeco Field. Depending on when you read this, it may or may not be full, but none the less, try throwing your hat in the ring!

Seattle Seahawks: Some Victory Celebration Parade Info Announced

The Seahawks have released some information regarding the championship parade on Wednesday. The team has released the route of the parade, among other things. They haven’t all info, so keep your eyes glued to Kingdome, and more importantly, for more.

Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Build Up: Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are Seahawks Fans

Obviously you’re likely a Seahawks’ fan if you’re from the Seattle area. So it makes sense that Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are. Here they are talking about it on Ellen. Plus Ellen, again, explaining why she’s rooting for the Broncos.

Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Build Up: Joel McHale’s Love of the Seahawks

Joel McHale loves the Seahawks and explained it to Ellen recently. The 12th Man is everywhere. Even Hollywood.